I want to be pregnant SO BAD right now. Like I just want to be pregnant, have a baby, and grow our family. And I don’t understand why I can’t be. Why I don’t get to be just yet. I have had 2 pregnancy losses in 9 months, with an elevated A1C (look it up) both times. And this last time it was extremely high. So high in fact that I was officially diagnosed with diabetes. And I truly believe this last pregnancy was my angel baby alerting me that my health wasn’t where it needed to be. And had I not found out I was pregnant I would not have gotten the blood tests I needed and so on and so forth…
If you’re looking for someone to give you a step by step guide on taking the GRE and getting the highest possible score, I am not your girl!
Malcolm Gladwell, has a podcast that I really enjoy called Revisionist History. I recently listened to an episode called The Tortoise and the Hare, where he discusses our obsession with testing, and making everyone perform rapidly. He mentions that some people are tortoises and are really really smart, but take their time, while other people are hare’s and perform really well and really fast (like we’re required to do on standardized tests)…
August 12, 2023
That’s it that’s the post haha.
No but God is good, so so good. And He answers prayers and confirms that little feeling inside, you know the one.
So I started writing this post before it was true if you can believe that. I have a screen shot of me typing this very message at 2:22am on August 12th 2023…